Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Saw this and thought of you

I happened upon this cute video and thought of Jen. Not only because it was artistically inspiring but also because the cute little characters remind me of us.

So many times during our 16+ years of friendship (of course we met not long after birth) ;)
we have found ourselves up against the world, and had to count on each other's love and encouragement to push through. Our bond is special and irreplaceable (Mary recently pointed out to us that we finish each other's sentences). We joke that we are "married" to each other and I should seriously be so lucky.

So in the spirit of upcoming Valentine's day here's a love song to my best friend.

I'm so blessed to have you!

Big mushy XOXO!!!


1 comment:

Heather Jarvis said...

Wow. I was already teared up just reading the kind things you were writing about us, but the video put me over the edge. If I was able to watch it uninterrupted and hadn't had to pause it twice to break up two fights and lock my youngest kids in their bedrooms, I think I'd be rolling around on the floor sobbing right now.

I adore you--always have, always will.