Thursday, February 12, 2009

Just a couple of last minutes...

cardboard beauty bird by jen 2009

I just thought I would mention that I hadn't intended on bringing any of my etsy pieces to our little show tomorrow, because I wanted to show them at my show next month (Edmond's Artwalk--details later), but I have recently been asked to ship several of them to a distant land (okay, Florida--details later). So I decided to bring many of them tomorrow night, including a couple that are so fresh, they're not even listed yet.
Along with my random etsy pieces, Mary and Heather are also showing several pieces that won't hang with the rest of the work, but will only be there to see in person tomorrow.

Just thought I'd mention...and if you need a refresher on the reception details, page down to the post a few days ago featuring our postcard.
*and Jeannie, in case you're looking, the piece above is one I made while talking to you on the phone (details at my etsy store).

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