On to other things: I'm almost crazy to share the link that I'm about to, because when you see his work, and then look at mine--well, it makes me look like I was painting with my hands tied behind my back, while I was intoxicated, during an earthquake, with my eyes closed--in other words, no comparison. Anyway, I want to share the link to Vladimir Muhin's work (http://www.muhin-art.ru/english.htm), because it is so beautiful. I was researching him to show a friend of mine, and I thought I'd share the visual wealth. My favorites are the Basics and Portraits. Looking at his work makes me want to sit up straight.
Very cool painting Jen! Looks pretty familiar! What is it like having a talent that makes people shake their heads in amazement? We sure miss you and your babies!
Thanks for the kind words. Ever since I saw this photo on your blog I new I wanted to paint it. When I see your blog, I miss you guys too. I'm glad to see Jordan is still feeling Washington (the comment on his blog). You may not get this, it may be going into the universal blogeshpere???
You have a great eye for perspective. If I tried drawing/painting a living creature, it wouldn't look like a living creature anymore LOL.
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