painting by Matt Scheid
The painting featured above, is by a friend of my daughter Riana [drama friends]. I expressed how impressed I was with his work, assuming he was just a theatrical talent, but he briefly explained how he had created this piece just before my daughter's birthday party (that night), and that he had been dabbling in this type of painting for a couple of weeks!?--raw talent.
The party itself was a good time: shiny neon spandex pants, 1980's short shorts, and kitty cat sweatshirts--that was just the boys. As for the girls, I so badly wanted to join them and whip on my Madonna wanna-be garb and roller boogie the night away. For whatever reason [something to do with a childhood roller skating spill, resulting in a minor concussion] I could not convince Heather to strap on some skates. It's probably better that we didn't skate, reserving our energy for post party late night people watching and tolerating bad cover band music.
The following night was the auction for Heather's daughter's preschool. It went quite well, and our paintings, especially Heather's, were very popular. I failed to mention that Heather donated a personal pet portrait, which along with her "I will be good" piece, created some hovering and competition with the silent bidding. Nice.